A First Aid Provider is trained to recognize and deal with various diving and non-diving related emergencies. First Aid Provider certification is mandatory for divers wishing to continue on to any ACUC Leadership level and is great knowledge to take with you in your day-to-day life. Some of the topics covered in the Standard First Aid Provider program are:
* How to act when confronted with an injured person
* Full body assessment
* Basic triage
* Heat and cold injuries including burns
* Dealing with medical conditions
* Wounds and Bleeding, Shock, Levels of Consciousness
* CPR overview
* Consideration for moving and transporting an injured person
* Eye, ear, and nose injuries
* Diving and non-diving related injuries
* Hemorrhages
* Heart attack and Stroke
* Sprains, strains, splints, bone and joint injuries
* Poisons
* Convulsions